Welcome to the Home Page for Space Exploration. This Web site provides you with all the information you need to complete the Boy Scout Space Exploration Merit Badge, along with links to more information that is either useful or way fun.
On this page you will find the requirements for the merit badge, listed below. For each requirement there are links to my pages, or NASA's pages or others, that provide you with the information you need to complete the requirement.
This merit badge is too cool for words. Launching your own rocket, one that you built yourself, is so much fun you may become addicted. There is a lot of research to do - and the more you learn the more interesting it gets. This web site will make it much easier to get started, and once you're started you won't want to stop.
Enough talk. Buckle in and let's go!
Updated for the 2014 requirements!
Go To Pioneers of Space Travel
Go To
History of Space Exploration
Go To Time Line of Space Exploration
Go To
NASA History Page for Human Space Flight
Go To The Flight of the Rocket
Go To Model Rocket Assembly
Go To
National Association of Rocketry: Model & High Power Rocketry
Go To
NAR -- Model Rocket Safety Code
Go To Altitude Estimation
Go To Rocket Launch Checklists
Go To Glossary of Model Rocketry
Go To Newton's Laws
Go To Rocket Propulsion
Go To How Orbits Work
Go To How Fast Is Fast?
Go To Satellite Pictures
Go To
JPL Missions unmanned Missions reference
Go To
NASA History Page for Human Space Flight
Go To
The Project Apollo Archive reference on the Apollo moon missions
Go To
Views of the Solar System
Go To How to Design
Your Spacecraft
Go To Space Shuttle
Go To
Shuttle Flights to Date
Go To International Space Station Diagrams
Go To
NASA's International Space Station Home Page
Go To How to Design
Your Spacecraft
Go To
NASA's Vision
for Space Exploration for plans for lunar and Martian bases.
Go To NASA Careers
1. If local laws prohibit the launching of model rockets, do the following activity: Make a model of a NASA rocket. Explain the functions of the parts. Give the history of the rocket.
Your questions and comments regarding this page are welcome.
You can e-mail Randy Culp for inquiries,
suggestions, new ideas or just to chat.
And -- hey! -- we gotta be careful out there. With all the wild viruses flying
around, you will need to put more than "Hi!" in the subject line or you will look
like a virus. Put something like "Question on Space Exploration" so I know
you're for real.
Troop 93, Potowatami Council, New Berlin, Wisconsin
Tripoli #6926
Updated 01 April 2021
Astronomy Tour of the Night Sky
This Web Site in a Zip
You can download a zipped version of this entire Space Exploration site by
clicking here. This can really help if you
are presenting to a group to get the non-launching requirements out of the way.